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Finding Interpreters and Translators

Looking for interpreters and translators?

Thank you for thinking of us!

Although interpretation and translation do not equal language justice, they are an important and essential part of achieving language justice.

Unbound Language Justice Cooperative stopped offering interpretation and translation services in early 2022 to focus on our educational offerings.

We’ve assembled this list of resources to help you connect with interpreters and translators for your next project:

Option 1: Directory of Language Justice Groups

This Language Justice Groups Directory is a new public resource created in 2022. Check out what the various groups offer and contact them directly.

Option 2: Professional Associations

Search the directories of professional interpreter and translator associations with the criteria you’re looking for. Contact individuals directly.

  • NETA (New England Translators Association)
  • ATA (American Translators Association)

Option 3: Language Service Providers (LSPs)

These are companies that specialize in language services, including interpretation, translation, subtitles, and more. Find local options by Googling: Language Service Providers + [your geographical area].

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee the quality of the work offered by anyone on this list nor if they’ll be a good fit for your project. It’s always important to be clear about project and organizational needs to establish a mutually beneficial relationship as best as possible.

Want to nurture successful collaborations with language workers, interpreters, and translators?